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Real Care for the person you are becoming.

Hiking Boots

What do you know about Physical Therapy?

A physical therapist is an expert in body movement and function who is trained to help you improve your quality of life with a skilled combination of education, exercise, bodywork, and more.

If you need to heal from injury, relieve pain, improve movement, or address a functional problem: a physical therapist can help.

If you want to reduce stress, prevent injury, manage chronic issues, improve your overall health, and live a more pleasurable life: the right physical therapist can help with all that, too.

Have you ever had physical therapy before?

Step into a space where it's just you, your physical therapist, and the goals you set for yourself.

You have the full attention of your therapist for the duration of your visit, and you walk out of every session with a richer understanding of how your body works and how to help yourself feel better. 

Every visit is valuable, there's always plenty of time, and there are no surprise bills afterwards. 

Gradually, you begin to realize how strong you really are.

This is physical therapy at Brightside.

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