Cannabis and Plant Medicine
One of my research interests is the expanding therapeutic uses of CBD and other natural plant medicines for the purpose of improving our collective physical, mental, and spiritual health. I have a joyful relationship with CBD in my own life, and I believe the evidence supporting the use of cannabinoids will continue to grow.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 140 different cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are the naturally occurring active components specific to the cannabis plant. Other common cannabinoids include THC, CBG, CBN, etc. CBD may be used in many forms, including orally or topically.

Quality and Safety
The integrity of the product depends on the path it takes to get from the soil all the way to you. Companies may use many different processes or additives to craft the oils and edibles you're familiar with. Choose your CBD provider wisely in order to ensure quality and safety.

Why use CBD?
CBD has been proven to be non-addictive, safe, and has many health implications including reducing inflammation and other effects of excess stress in the body. It can modulate pain, improve digestion, support restful sleep, and may be a helpful addition to your wellness regimen.